(CBS Primetime, 1972 - 1978) [the second of three network series featuring "The Button-down Mind of Bob Newhart" who began as an intellectual comedian with a number of hit comedy records in the 1950s; this series was produced by Lorenzo Music for MTM Enterprises (a company owned by Grant Tinker and his wife Mary Tyler Moore); in this series, Bob plays Chicago psychiatrist Bob Hartley; Suzanne Pleshette played his wife Emily; and the ensemble cast was one of the best on TV -- it included Marcia Wallace as the office receptionist, Peter Bonerz as an orthodontist who shared the reception room, Bill Daily as a neurotic neighbor who worked for an airline, and a number of character actors who played various neurotic patients in Bob's therapy groups, including Jack Riley who played a high-strung paranoid, Noam Pitnik who played an obnoxious curmudgeon, and John Fielder as the timid Mr. Peterson; this show also had a long run in syndication]
[above is title as listed in ASCAP database; ASCAP title variations aka: "Home To Emily"; aka: "Home To Emily -- Theme from 'The Bob Newhart Show'"; aka: "Theme from 'The Bob Newhart Show'"; aka: "Bob Newhart Theme"] Composers: Lorenzo Music (ASCAP), and Henrietta Music (ASCAP) 1978 Publisher: Djiwa Music Co. (ASCAP) 2001 Publisher: Djiwa Music Co. (ASCAP) c/o Jess S. Morgan & Co., Inc. of Los Angeles, CA Copyright Date: Renewal Date: Recordings: