(ABC Primetime, 1970 - Present) [aka: "ABC Monday Night Football"; aka: "Monday Night Football"] [This was an experiment, that took off in 1970, a risky investment that paid back ABC many times...commentators over the years have included the venerable Howard Cosell, Frank Gifford, Don Meredith, Alex Karras, Fran Tarkenton, O. J. Simpson, Joe Namath, Dan Dierdorf, Lynn Swann, Fred Williamson, Al Michaels, and Dan Fouts; Later choices included a rather surprising pick for a color man -- comedian Dennis Miller; other recent additions were Eric Dickerson and Melissa Stark]
[above is title as listed on published sheet music; also THEME and writer credit in Craig W. Pattillo's "TV Theme Soundtrack Directory" as the FIRST THEME -- used since 1970; BMI title variation, aka: "Score"] Composer: Charles Fox (BMI) Orig. Publisher: Sound Services, Inc. (BMI) of New York, NY 2001 Publisher: [not found in ASCAP or BMI databases] [On published stage band arrangement]: Copyright Date: 1972. Recordings:
[above is title as filed for copyright; this 1976 THEME was revised in 1980 and the new version has a separate copyright filed in 1981; ASCAP title variation aka: "ABC's Monday Night Football Theme"] Composers: Jon D. Silbermann (ASCAP), Joseph Paul ("Joe") Sicurella (ASCAP), and Jack C. Cortner (ASCAP) 1978 Publisher: [not found in 1978 ASCAP Index of Performed Compositions] 2001 Publisher: American Broadcasting Music, Inc. (ASCAP) a div. of ABC Television of New York, NY Original 1976 Copyright Date: 1976; EU 729 291. 1980 Version Copyright Date: Mar. 13, 1981; PAu-283-768. Recordings:
[above is title as filed for copyright; BMI title variation aka: "NFL Monday Night Football Theme". Bob Israel is President of "Score Productions" in New York City.] Composer: Robert ("Bob") Israel (BMI) [professional name of Robert Arnold Israel] 1982 Publisher: A B C/Dunhill Music, Inc. (BMI) 2001 Publisher: ABC-Circle Music, Inc. (BMI) a div. of ABC Television of New York, NY Creation Date: as noted on copyright form = 1981 Copyright Date: Feb. 1, 1982; PAu-380-219. Recordings:
[aka: 3 Sports Themes and One News Theme (TV Sports & News Themes)] [THEME & composers verified in Craig Patillo's book "TV Theme Soundtrack Directory", as used only one season in 1983...probably part of the music package filed for copyright in 1982 under the aka title, "3 Sports Themes and One News Theme (TV Sports & News Themes)"; According to Patillo, after this season they went back to using the previous Robert Israel THEME above] Composers: Gary Michael Anderson (ASCAP) and Annie Leslie Roboff (ASCAP) Orig. Publisher: RET Music, Inc. (ASCAP) of Atlanta, GA 2001 Publisher: [not found in 2001 ASCAP database] [Title as filed for copyright in 1982: "3 Sports Themes and One News Theme -- TV Sports & News Themes"]: Creation Date: as noted on copyright = 1981 Copyright Date: Jan. 11, 1982; PAu-364-827. Recordings:
[THEME Title and writer credit from production library music collector Gonzalo Duque, who remembers this THEME as synonymous with the series and with football in general; it may have been used as early as 1978; but he remembers it primarily as an OPENING THEME...(exact dates of use unknown); Then in the 1990's it was the secondary THEME used during the opening following Hank Williams Jr's, "All My Rowdy Friends..." described below... Johnny Pearson was a British writer who composed this track for the "Keith Prowse Music" company, later known as "KPM".] Composer: Johnny Pearson (British PRS/ASCAP/BMI) 1978 Publisher: Emil Ascher, Inc. (ASCAP) 2001 Publisher: KPM Music Division (ASCAP) Composition Date: circa 1974 US Copyright Date: US Renewal Date: Recording: LP from the "KPM Recorded Music Library (British) "Industrial Panorama" KPM 1136, Side A, Track 2
[according to BMI and copyright records, above is the original title which BMI calls the "legal title"; BMI alternate titles aka: "All My Rowdy Friends Are Coming Over Tonight"; aka: "All My Rowdy Friends (Are Here For Monday Night)"; and another variation...published in Craig Pattillo not found filed as a separate copyright: "All My Rowdy Friends (Are With Me Tonight)"; according to Craig W. Pattillo in his book "TV Theme Soundtrack Directory", the use of this song began with the "Twentieth Anniversary" broadcast of "Monday Night Football", in 1990. ] Composer: Hank Williams, Jr. (BMI) 1978 Publisher: Bocephus Music, Inc. (BMI) 2001 Publisher: Bocephus Music, Inc. (BMI) of Nashville, TN Original Creation Date: 1981 Original Copyright Date: July 20, 1981; PAu-316-102. [1st lyric revision "All My Rowdy Friends Are Coming Over Tonight"]: Rev. Date: Feb. 8, 1984; PA-210-692. [following 1990 version is used specifically for the series "ABC N.F.L. Monday Night Football" under the title, "All My Rowdy Friends Are Comin' Over for Monday Night Football"]: Rev. Date: Dec. 6, 1990; PAu-1-455-471. [following 1996 version says it is for ABC "Operation Kickoff" -- under the title "All My Rowdy Friends Are Here For Monday Night"]: Rev. Date: July 25, 1996; PAu 2-108-530. [for "All My Rowdy Friends--Bring on Da Game Football 1997"]: Rev. Date: July 7, 1997; PAu-2-208-946. Recordings: